


Classification of renal masses


Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)




Familial form and genetic factors

Clear cell RCC (ccRCC)
(70-80%, most common)

Originates from proximal tubule
Prognosis generally worse compared to papillary or chromophobe
Responds to systemic therapy

von Hippel-Lindau disease
Chromosome 3p deletions (VHL inactivation by mutation or promoter hypermethylation occurs in 70-90% of clear cell renal tumors)

Multilocular cystic

Almost uniformly benign clinical behavior

Identical to ccRCC

Papillary RCC
(10-15%, 2nd most common)

Originates from proximal tubule

Commonly multifocal
Common in ESRD and acquired renal cystic disease
Type 1: good prognosis
Type 2: worse prognosis
Grade may be of greater prognostic significance than type 1 vs. 2
Current systemic therapies are ineffective against papillary RCC
Papillary adenomas are small (≤5mm) tumours that resemble papillary RCC under the microscope, are often well encapsulated and low grade, commonly found at autopsy, possess many of the same genetic alterations found in larger papillary RCCs, but are benign neoplasms

Type 1: Hereditary papillary RCC (HPRCC) syndrome
Type 2: Hereditary leiomyomatosis and RCC syndrome (HLRCC)

Trisomy of chromosomes 7 and 17 and loss of the Y chromosome.

Chromophobe RCC

Originates from intercalated cells of distal tubule/collecting duct
Stains positive for Hale colloidal iron
Genrally good prognosis, compared to clear cell and papillary

  • Rates of disease-specific (recurrence, metastasis, or death due disease) events following nephrectomy:§
    • 5 years: 3.7%
    • 10 years: 6.4%
  • Features associated with disease-specific events (4):§
    1. Tumour size
    2. Small-vessel invasion
    3. Sarcomatoid features
    4. Microscopic necrosis
    • pT stage or nodal metastasis tended to show some association, without reaching statistical significance

Commonly seen Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome; most cases are sporadic

Collecting duct carcinoma (<1%)

Originates from collecting duct
Stains positive with Ulex europaeus lectin
Poor prognosis; most reported cases have been high grade, advanced stage, and unresponsive to conventional therapies
May share features in common with urothelial carcinoma; advanced collecting duct carcinoma may respond to cisplatin or gemcitabine-based chemotherapy

Multiple chromosomal losses

Renal medullary carcinoma (rare)

Originates from collecting duct
Dismal prognosis; many cases are both locally advanced and metastatic at the time of diagnosis

Associated with sickle cell trait (NOT disease); typically diagnosed in young African-Americans

Unclassified RCC

Origin not defined
Poor prognosis, most are poorly differentiated and are associated with a highly aggressive biologic behavior


RCC associated with Xp11.2
gene fusions (rare)

Occurs in children and young adults; 40% of pediatric RCC
Prognosis similar to ccRCC

Various mutations involving chromosome Xp11.2
resulting in TFE3 gene fusion

RCC (rare)

Occurs exclusively in children with prior neuroblastoma


Mucinous tubular and spindle cell (rare)

Favorable prognosis



Familial RCC Syndromes



Clinical Manifestations

Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)



  1. CNS and/or retinal Hemangioblastomas
  2. ccRCC (Increased risk) and renal cysts
  3. Pheochromocytoma
  4. Paraganglioma
  5. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours and cysts
  6. Epididymal cystadenoma
  7. Ear Endolymphatic sac tumour
  8. Broad Ligament tumours

Hereditary Papillary Renal Carcinoma (HPRCC)


  1. Type 1 papillary RCC

Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and RCC (HLRCC)*

Fumarate hydratase

  1. Type 2 papillary or collecting duct RCC
  2. Cutaneous leioyomyomas
  1. Uterine leiyomyomas

Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD)


  1. Skin fibrofolliculomas
  2. Pulmonary cysts, spontaneous pneumothoraces
  3. Variety of renal tumours (including chromophobe RCC, oncocytoma, hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe tumors, clear cell RCC (rare), renal cysts)

Succinate Dehydrogenase RCC*

SDHB/C/D (encoding subunits of the Krebs cycle enzyme succinate dehydrogenase)

  1. Variety of renal tumours (clear cell RCC, chromophobe RCC, type 2 papillary RCC, oncocytoma)
  2. Adrenal pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)


  1. Skin (adenoma subaceum, shagreen spots)
  2. Variety of renal tumours (increased predisposition for ccRCC, AMLs, renal cysts, polycystic kidney disease, oncycytoma)
  3. Retinal hamartomas
  4. CNS lesions (including tubers)
  5. Seizures
  6. Intellectual disability
  7. Cardiac lesions
  8. Teeth/gum lesions
  9. Bone cysts
  10. Pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis
Cowden/PTEN Syndrome Associated RCC  PTEN
  • Mucocutaneous lesions
  • Facial trichilemmomas
  • Papillomatous papules
  • Variety of renal tumours (ccRCC, type 1 papillary RCC, chromophobe RCC)
  • Malignancies in other organ systems (breast, thyroid)

BAP-1 tumour predisposition syndrome§


  • ccRCC
  • Uveal melanoma
  • Malignant mesothelioma
  • Cutaneous melanoma
  • Melanocytic tumours
  • Basal cell carcinoma

*Renal cancers associated with these syndromes are typically more aggressive





  1. What the prognosis of ccRCC relative to chromophobe and papillary RCC? Which papillary RCC subtype is associated with better prognosis relative to the other?
  2. Patients with ESRD or acquired renal cystic disease are more likely to develop with type of RCC?
  3. Which RCC histology stains for Hale colloidal iron?
  4. Which RCC histologies arise from the proximal tubule vs. collecting duct?
  5. What are the clinical manifestations of VHL?
  6. What gene is mutated and what are the clinical manifestations of HRPCC, HLPCC, Burt-Hogg-Dube, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex?
  7. Explain the pathway of VHL and HIF and role in RCC pathophysiology
  1. What the prognosis of ccRCC relative to chromophobe and papillary RCC? Which papillary RCC subtype is associated with better prognosis relative to the other?
    • Prognosis of ccRCC is worse than chromophobe and papillary RCC
    • Type II papillary RCC has worse prognosis than type I
  2. Patients with ESRD or acquired renal cystic disease are more likely to develop with type of RCC?
    • Papillary
  3. Which RCC histology stains for Hale colloidal iron?
    • Chromophobe
  4. Which RCC histologies arise from the proximal tubule vs. collecting duct?
    1. Proximal tubule:
      1. Clear cell
      2. Papillary
    2. Collecting duct
      1. Chromophobe
      2. Collecting duct
      3. Medullary
  5. What are the clinical manifestations of VHL?
    1. Hemangioblastoma
    2. Increased risk of ccRCC
    3. Paraganglioma
    4. Pheochromocyoma
    5. Pancreatic cysts and neuroendocrine tumours
    6. Ear endolymphatic tumour
    7. Epididymal cysts
    8. Ligament, broad tumours
  6. What gene is mutated and what are the clinical manifestations of HRPCC, HLPCC, Burt-Hogg-Dube, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex?
    • HRPCC: c-met; clinical manifestations: type I papillary RCC
    • HLPCC: fumarate hydratase; clinical manifestations; type II papillary RCC, cutaneous leiyomyoma and uterine leiyomyoma
    • Burt-Hogg-Dube: folliculin; clinical manifestations: pneumothorax, pulmonary cysts, skin fibrofolliculuomas, chromophobe RCC and other renal tumours
    • Tuberous sclerosis complex: TSC1 and TSC2; clinical manifestations: adenoma subaceum, shagreen spots, AMLs, ccRCC, retinal hamartomas, CNS lesions, epilepsy, mental retardation, cardiac lesions, teeth lesions, gum lesions, bone cysts, pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis
  7. Explain the pathway of VHL and HIF and role in RCC pathophysiology
    • Under normal conditions, VHL targets hypoxia-induced factor (HIF) for degradation. In the absence of VHL due to mutation, HIF accumulates resulting in increased expression of VEGF, the primary angiogenic growth factor for RCC
Next Chapter: TNM Staging